Rockbox Documentation - Wiki Version
This is an early draft of a wiki-based version of the RockboxManual. While the Rockbox Manual is an excellent work, it is geared toward release 2.4 of Rockbox for Archos players. There is no manual yet for the Iriver version of Rockbox, and some portions of the Rockbox Manual for Archo are outdated. The purpose of this wiki page is to provide a reference for users who adopt Rockbox for Iriver before the official release, in a format that can be easily modified as features are developed. The focus of this page is Iriver players, but I have been attempting to make this document applicable to all lines of players whereever possible. (Since I do not own an Archos player, it is sometimes difficult for me to write Archos-specific sections.)
It is my intention that portions of this wiki will be able to be easily integrated in the Rockbox Manual 2.5 when those versions are released. I have borrowed heavily from version 2.4 of the manual, and where I have made updates to the sections I have borrowed, I have incorporated those changes and will post that document on the RockboxManual page. Any help, suggestions, etc. greatly appreciated. MichaelDiFebbo - 09 Aug 2005
Style conventions:
- Buttons are displayed using CAPS (E.g. "Press PLAY on a file to ...")
- Settings are displayed using quotation marks (E.g., If set to "Yes," this option will ...")
- The word "jukebox" in lower-case letters is used to refer generically to supported digital audio player/recorders.
- "iriver" should be used entirely in lower case letters consistently with the way that iriver refers to itself.
- An initial capital letter is used when referring to specific models of jukebox (e.g., Recorder = Archos Recorder)
Getting started with Rockbox
Using Rockbox
Finding More Information
-- MichaelDiFebbo - 23 Aug 2005